The ECOPER team travelled to Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, this week to carry out face-to-face sessions with team members from OCADES, a local partner of Cáritas Española. The purpose was to enhance the documentary and financial management of a multi-sector humanitarian assistance project financed by ECHO. The sessions relied on information contained in a remote monitoring system that has been developed by ECOPER to monitor the project remotely, and that aims to improve its efficiency and effectiveness.
OCADES Caritas Burkina is an organization articulated through a large network of 15 Diocesan Executive Secretariats (SED) with more than 150 parish branches that cover the entire territory of Burkina Faso. The activities are carried out by more than 800 permanent technicians and thousands of volunteers. They are involved in projects framed in the sectors of production support (microfinance, income-generating activities), governance (training and awareness) and social sectors (education, sanitation), where emergency action is framed.
The project, which was financed by ECHO in 2021, consists of multi-sectoral assistance to the displaced population and vulnerable resident population in the Sahel and Northern Burkina Faso regions, through food deliveries, the rehabilitation of drinking water wells and the distribution of hygiene kits aimed at reducing the incidence of COVID-19.