Evaluation of UNCTAD’s Subprogramme 1 presented at 84th Working Party Session

This week ECOPER’s Aitor Pérez has visited Geneva to present findings from the external evaluation of UNCTAD’s Subprogramme 1 on Globalization, interdependence and development for the years 2018 to 2021 at 84th Session of the UNCTAD Working Party. The presentation, which was made to UNCTAD Secretary-General, Rebeca Grynspan and Member States’ delegates, was followed by discussion of some of the topics raised by the evaluation. The evaluation was led by Aitor and was conducted between January and June 2022. It resulted in a report which was also to be shared during the 84th Session.

UNCTAD’s Subprogramme 1 has five main areas of work, focusing on macroeconomic and development policies, debt and development finance, economic cooperation and integration among developing countries, development statistics and information and assistance to the Palestinian People. The evaluation was conducted with the aim of supporting accountability and contributing to institutional learning, with lessons learned to be considered in future annual programming in the framework of UNCTAD’s recently adopted Bridgetown Covenant, as well as in discussions on the internal organization of UNCTAD.