The provision of good quality TVET is an important tool for enhancing the career prospects of young people. The UNESCO project ‘Provision of TVET Opportunities for Syrian and Vulnerable Jordanian Youth in Jordan’ aimed to provide support in accessing TVET and ECOPER evaluators have submitted their report on the external evaluation and tracer study related to the project. The evaluation aimed to assess Phase II of the project, while the tracer study aimed to assess the impact of the project’s first phase, by surveying former students on their current occupations and impressions of the education programme.
The evaluated project was implemented by the UNESCO Amman office, with funding from the Republic of Korea and in collaboration with Luminous Technical College in Jordan. In providing 250 TVET scholarships in each phase, the project aimed to support Syrian refugee youths and Jordanian youths affected by the Syrian crisis by providing training in a range of technical fields. In doing so, it was hoped to empower the beneficiaries, restoring hope in their future and increasing employment prospects, therefore reducing social marginalisation and the threat of radicalization. It was also aimed at increasing qualified human capital for the future reconstruction of Syria.