Evaluation Framework Agreement with ILO

ECOPER is proud to inform that it has been selected as a long-term partner of the ILO Evaluation Office. This long-term agreement will be launched by the end of November 2023 and will cover high-level corporate and institutional evaluations, as well as project evaluations. The ECOPER core team comprises a lead evaluator and manager, an …

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European Parliament Study: Guarantees and Loans for Inclusive Development

A research project in partnership with the Trans European Policy Studies Association (TEPSA) The European Parliament has published an ECOPER paper on the implementation of the European Fund for Sustainable Development Plus (EFSD+) operations from an inclusive perspective. By providing guarantees and subsidies for loans, as well as capital investments, the EFSD+ is expected to …

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Assessing the role of UN Resident Coordinators in Consistent Policy Advice

ECOPER Chief Consultant, Aitor Perez, was selected to join a group of experts of the Office of Internal Oversight Services (OIOS) of the United Nations Secretariat for the evaluation of the UN Resident Coordinator system. The OIOS is mandated by the UN General Assembly to evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of the implementation of the …

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Evaluating UNESCO Creative Cities Network (UCCN) with big data techniques

UNESCO has commissioned the evaluation of the UNESCO Creative Cities Network (UCCN) to ECOPER. UCCN is a city network established by UNESCO with the purpose of promoting the use of culture and creativity in member cities as a driver for sustainable urban development. In many areas of international cooperation, networks are considered a powerful engine …

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Eradicating child Labour in South Asia

Over sixteen million children between ages 5 and 17 are engaged in labour in South Asia, according to estimates from recent years, with the highest levels in absolute terms found in India, followed by Bangladesh, Pakistan and Nepal. The ILO’s Asia Regional Child Labour Project (ARC) was implemented in 2019 with the aim of reducing …

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Private sector partnerships to address water scarcity

The MENA region is the area of the world most acutely affected by water scarcity. UNICEF views partnerships and engagements with the business sector as being a crucial component in the response to the crisis and has commissioned ECOPER to conduct a ‘Study on private sector engagements and partnerships to support response to the climate …

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Policies for cultural diversity

The cultural and creative industries are some of the fastest growing sectors in the world and are essential for inclusive economic growth, the reduction of inequalities and the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. The 2005 Convention for the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions was a cultural policy milestone and reflected the …

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Social protection to reduce child labour

In the mica regions of Madagascar, an estimated 10,800 children as young as five years old work alongside their families to sort and extract mica, which results in poor education and health for children in these regions and perpetuates poverty across generations. ECOPER has been commissioned by UNICEF to elaborate an advocacy paper on ‘Investing …

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A new financial architecture for development

Under the Team Europe framework, the European Architecture for Development (EFAD) has undergone changes aimed at improving capacity through enhanced synergies and political steering. Although the Team Europe approach emerged as a response to the COVID-19 crisis, it has overlapped with an intense debate on the fragmentation of the EFAD; the entry into force of …

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Bilbao’s IV Master Plan for International Cooperation

ECOPER has been commissioned to lead the design of the Bilbao Municipal Government’s 4th Master Plan for International Development Cooperation. The design process will be participative and the new plan will reflect the lessons learned during the evaluation of the 3rd Master Plan, which was carried out by ECOPER this year. Workshops will be held …

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