Social protection to reduce child labour

In the mica regions of Madagascar, an estimated 10,800 children as young as five years old work alongside their families to sort and extract mica, which results in poor education and health for children in these regions and perpetuates poverty across generations. ECOPER has been commissioned by UNICEF to elaborate an advocacy paper on ‘Investing …

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Cash assistance and its relationship with gender-based violence

The use of cash-based interventions (CBIs) to provide support to vulnerable populations is growing and cash assistance has been found to be effective in contributing to gender-based violence (GBV) risk reduction, mitigation and protection, provided that interventions are adequately designed and implemented. Reflecting this, ECOPER was commissioned by Alianza por la Solidaridad / Action Aid …

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Trade and gender capacity building

ECOPER has presented its final report on a cluster evaluation of UNCTAD support to ‘Capacity building on Trade and Gender Online Training’. The evaluation, which was conducted in collaboration with an expert on gender and human rights, assessed a series of interventions carried out between 2015 and 2020 which focused on the development and delivery …

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Building capacity in humanitarian emergency management

Humanitarian emergencies frequently require a rapid response from the organisations responsible for providing assistance. In response to this, Caritas has implemented a capacity building programme on emergency preparedness and response, Phase II (ReCIP2) in Mali, which had the aim of improving the organisations’ response to emergencies. ECOPER recently completed its external evaluation of the intervention. The evaluation aimed to both analyse the results of the programme and, where possible, propose improvements which could be adopted for future efforts. It was conducted remotely owing to the COIVD- 19 pandemic, with interviews and surveys taking place online.

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Micro credits and cash transfers as development tools

A research project in partnership with the Trans European Policy Studies Association (TEPSA)

This month the report ‘Cash for Development: The use of microcredits and cash transfers as development tools’ was published by the European Parliament Committee on Development. It was co-authored by ECOPER consultants, following a meta-evaluation of previous studies on cash-for-development tools.The report aimed to provide an overview of cash transfers and microcredits as poverty reduction instruments in order to inform EU development policy ahead of the EU’s reshaping of development finance tools in the 2021-27 period. The study considered the current level of EU support for cash transfers and microcredits, and the efficiency and design of the support provided.

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Livelihood programmes for Myanmar refugees

This month ECOPER completed a systematization of the livelihood programmes run for Myanmar refugees by the Catholic Office for Emergency Relief and Refugees (COERR) as part of its project ‘Strengthening capacities and developing sustainable livelihood opportunities for the Myanmar refugees largely encamped along the Thai-Myanmar border in preparation for eventual repatriation.’ The project is funded by the EU and Caritas, a partner of COERR. The systemization took the form of a case study and was achieved through a broad document review and interviews with beneficiaries and COERR staff. Three field missions to Thailand were conducted in the course of the study.

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Supporting literacy in West Africa

Despite rising school enrolment rates in Burkina Faso, Niger and Senegal, research into primary school reading literacy have revealed poor results. With the aim of addressing this, UNESCO’s International Bureau of Education (IBE) launched the project ‘The results of learning to read in the first years of primary school: integration of the curriculum, teaching, learning aids and assessment’ in November 2013. ECOPER has recently presented its evaluation report of the project. The evaluation applied a mixed methodology, taking in surveys, interviews and focus groups with project stakeholders, and field missions to the three beneficiary countries.

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Community water management in the Dominican Republic

The relationship between water, disease and poverty is a priority area of development in the Dominican Republic, though the extent of the challenges posed varies significantly between geographic areas. ECOPER has recently submitted its report on the evaluation of eight Manos Unidas projects aimed at improving access to water and sanitation in the Dominican Republic. ECOPER conducted a field mission to the country to gather information from beneficiaries via a survey and to interview local leaders and counterparts, in addition to other actors involved in development in the region.

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